Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mimi and Doc

Luke's first Christmas was fantastic!
Mark and I had planned on driving back to South Carolina for Christmas and then we remembered we have 4 dogs, 3 cats, a mini donkey and a mini pony to take care of.  So my parents decided to brave the weather and come out here.  Mimi was able to come out for a week and a half and Doc came out for 3 days.  This was the first time Doc got to meet Luke.  We had a great time.  Mark was able to get an unbelievable house for my parents and I to stay in.  I think this is the first Christmas you could say we were not a dysfunctional family.  I wish my Nana could have been here to enjoy it with us.  While Mimi and Doc were here we took Luke to see Santa for the first time, and this Santa is the real deal.  Luke earned the nickname "moose drool" from Doc, it's pretty fitting.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Coming home

We stayed in the hospital as long as we could.  I would have stayed longer if they would have let me.  We checked out on August 25th around 1.  Before heading home we showed Luke off at both of our offices and then Mark grabbed some lunch.  We got home about 3:30 with my mom, mimi, there to welcome us.  Shortly after getting home one of my dearest friends, Elise came over and brought us all kinds of treats.  We spent a good part of the afternoon outside enjoying the beautiful weather.  This gave Ruby, the Small dogs and the mini barnyards a chance to meet Luke.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Baby Luke is here

On August 22nd my mom and I decided to take a long walk to try and get this labor moving.  Around 9:30 that evening I told Mark and my mom, I think I am in labor.  Mark was not so sure and commented that we might need to stay in a hotel if we were going to be driving in and out of town every time I thought something was happening.  So my mom and I decided to go into town to make sure everything was ok.  Around 11 I called Mark and told him to bring the hospital bag.
Our beautiful baby boy was born on August 23 2010 at Bozeman Deaconess Hospital.  He weighed 8 pounds and was 22.5 inches long.  He was welcomed to Montana with fresh dusting of snow in the mountains and a chill in the air.